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we empower musicians

By Musicians

For Musicians

we empower musicians with decentralized
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    Decentralized Storing is the cornerstone of IMMURTAL’s decentralized infrastructure. The data are stored across a network of interconnected but physically separate servers or nodes. For musicians, decentralized storage provides enhanced security, accessibility, and resilience to their works.
For instance, if a musician’s track is stored on a distributed network, the data, or fragments of the data, are stored across multiple locations in a designed redundant format. This strategy not only prevents data loss but also facilitates faster access speed, as users can retrieve the music from their nearest nodes, Moreover, the decentralized characteristic of distributed storage can safeguard musician’s works from centralized control and censorship, thereby ensuring the artist’s freedom and control over their own work.

    Decentralized Publishing fundamentally transforms the way of copyrighting and sharing music. Unlike traditional publishing, which is controlled by few central authorities, musicians have total and direct control over their work within IMMURTAL’s infrastructure. IMMURTAL provides an On-Chain Copyright Certificate for all music uploaded by musicians, which is immutable and timestamped as permanent record. Musicians can choose to keep their works private or share them with fans in the manner they prefer. IMMURTAL empowers artists with greater control over the copyright and licensing of their work, democratizing the music industry from its core.

    Decentralized Distribution refers to the method of delivering music to the audience.

Once music is published, the encrypted music files, stored across a network of nodes, can be shared with the public at the discretion of the rights holders, the musicians. Unlike centralized servers controlled by a single entity, this approach allows music to be accessed from multiple locations, improving the accessibility and resilience of the music files. It also restores the rights of distribution and pricing back to the musicians.

    Decentralized Streaming emphasizes the manner in which music is consumed by the audience.
In conventional systems, streaming platforms control the access to and streaming of music. However, in IMMURTAL's system, there are no intermediaries; listeners can directly stream music from the nodes within the network. As the music files are distributed across multiple nodes, listeners can access the files from the nearest or fastest node, potentially enhancing the speed and quality of streaming. This also ensures that music is always available for streaming, even if certain nodes in the network become unavailable, thus providing a more robust and reliable streaming service. Thanks to Decentralized Publishing and Decentralized Distribution, this new streaming pathway also ensures that listeners' funds go directly to support the artists they love. Furthermore, it can provide access to a broader range of music, especially from independent artists who might not have had access to traditional distribution channels.


A node represents an individual point within the distributed network. Each node, often a computer, a smartphone, or a server, stores and distributes music files and associated data. Independently, each node verifies and maintains the integrity of the data, including audio files and on-chain copyright certificates. This ensures the resilience, security, and smooth operation of the network.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are programs on the blockchain that execute automatically when certain conditions are met. For instance, when a fan pays to download a song, a smart contract can distribute payments immediately and transparently, potentially reducing delays and disputes in payment. These smart contracts will be implemented across the entire infrastructure, enhancing storage, publishing, distribution, and streaming experiences.